April Already? I'm Not Ready!

AtoZChallenge 2023 badge A

Hello, April. What are you doing here so early? 

*checks calendar*

O...kay. It's April. For real. Lots to do. Let's start with the A-Z Challenge...

Screenshot of the A-Z Challenge website: Theme reveal closed.
Oh well, it's not as if I really have a theme yet anyway. Next step is to sign up to the Master List...

Hmm, turns out I do need a theme after all. Lets choose "Author/Writing (mixed bag)". And links, I need links. FB & IG will have to do for now. 

And another place to state the theme. A restatement of the theme, if you will. How about: "Tracking progress on too many writing goals, and the lessons learned along the way". 

This month I'm aiming to:

  • Finish the first draft of The Avlem Burden for Camp NaNoWriMo 
  • Create a comprehensive outline for the sequel: Marshlander's Betrayal
  • Complete the A-Z Challenge 
And, over at my other blog: Eto ag Eto:
Meanwhile, in my offline life, I need to:
  • Finish unpacking from the move (which was seven months ago!)
  • Keep going with my language studies
 Too much? Almost certainly. Bring on the life-lessons; I am clearly in need of a few.
 * * *

Lesson One: Advance the Story

The scene I'm working on at the moment is a conversation between two very angry characters. There are many, many things they could say to each other, so I need to pare the scene down to the essentials. That or write ten pages of bickering. Every line needs to serve the narrative by:
  1. Moving the plot forward,
  2. Revealing important details,
  3. Developing one or more characters' arcs, or
  4. All of the above.
This being a first draft, I'm not going to worry too much about conservation of dialogue. But having the rule in mind while drafting will make the edit go more smoothly than it otherwise would. 
Which brings us neatly to the first lesson:
Everything I do this month needs to be either:

 1. Taking care of my health,
 2. Advancing one or more of my goals,
 3. Fulfilling pre-existing responsibilities, or
 4. All of the above.
This being a trial run, I'm not going to worry too much efficiency. But having this aim in mind will help with my long-term goal: Sustainable Adulting
Don't laugh! I can dream, can't I?


  1. Plot, Backstory or Character - at least 2 of the 3 if not all three. Good luck taking care of Health (Character), Goals (Plot), and responsibilities (Backstory). Adulting is a tough gig. (A to Z - ErinPenn.com)

  2. Sustainable Adulting? Great phrase:) Good luck with the A-Z

  3. I need some lessons in Sustainable Adulting! I've had a lot of lessons, given that I'm soon to be 61, but there always seems to be more to learn.
