Three Little Poems


I'm not much for romance, but here's an attempt or three at writing a love poem. One to a dream, one to a lover far away, and one all too present.

Against Reality

Broken by birdsong, abashed by the lark,
Shall the sun shut down, so surely, my dreams?
Never to notice, so novice the wretch,
Seedlings of stories ascend from the ash?

Let not the light mark the last of our meetings!
In dreams, our condition (though dismal in truth)
Will soar past restrictions of spiritless flesh
And bring in a bounty; unbearable joy
In fiction I find you, though facts be unkind
In dreams you adore me, by day you are gone
My mind be my master – what matters the world?

– Kell Willsen 

The Inadequacy of Language

Can any words describe my dear?
What depths within, what grace without,
When love-in-action makes it clear
That words cannot be set about.

But words are all I have, so please,
Accept the love poured into these,
Forgive that I must tell, not show it,
Your distant, yet devoted, poet.

– Kell Willsen 


Oh, what a pretty thing is love!
And so are you.
As pretty as a collared dove
Oh, what a pretty thing is love!
Reminds me of
That blasted bird’s non-stop “hoo-hoo”
Oh, what a pretty thing is love!
And so are you.

– Kell Willsen 

On Fiction

A sestina

So spin for us a tale
With hidden seeds of truth
Suspended in a lie.
Wise words for those who hear,
Bright gems for those who see;
Now let the fiction grow.

The simple facts will grow
To be a thrilling tale
But still, within, we see
The origins of truth
By sifting what we hear
We deconstruct the lie

But let the fiction lie
And let the stories grow
There is no malice here
In spreading such a tale
While all still know the truth
Unchanging as the sea

And so, until the sea
Shall dust and barren lie
Shall fiction hold the truth
And let the story grow
The wisdom of the tale
Is there for all to hear

And those who will not hear
And those who will not see
Enjoy the simple tale
Dismiss it as a lie
The seed will only grow
In those who seek for truth

As fiction holds the truth
So truth is ever here
Where there is room to grow
Upon the endless sea
Immortalised to lie
And thus concludes my tale

That this is truth, now see
Sestina here shall lie
To fully grow this tale.

Kell Willsen