What you’ve got here, is a gorilla
Can’t be more helpful than that
Learn to train it, you can’t contain it
Gorillas can stomp you flat
It’s in your life now, this gorilla
What to do next’s up to you
You can’t contain it; learn to train it
There’s not much else you can do.
I know you don’t want the gorilla
But it has decided to stay
Learn to train it, you can’t contain it
Or wrestle the thing out the way
It’s a three-hundred pound gorilla,
People are going to stare
You can’t contain it; learn to train it
You can’t just pretend that it’s not there
So go on and train your gorilla
You’ll find it well worth the strife
Learn to train it, you can’t contain it
But you can still get on with your life.
– Kell Willsen
Inspired by “The Gorilla in Your House“, a disability analogy which grew out of a discussion on the old BBC Ouch! message boards.
Compare and contrast “The Spoon Theory” by Christine Miserandino.